Thursday, April 25, 2013

Save dialog

1.For this tutorial add a memo, a button and a tsavedialog in the form

2.Change the caption of  button1 to "save". if you want you can change the line property of  tmemo1. for example "The most important thing is to decide the most important thing".


3.Double click on save button and write onclick event: 

 procedure TForm1.Button1Click( Sender: TObject );
   if SaveDialog1.Execute then
    Memo1.Lines.SaveToFile( SaveDialog1.Filename );

4.The Execute method displays the file save dialog.  It returns true when user has selected a file, false when user has aborted.

The Filename property returns the full filename.
5.if we want we can make some changes for example let's add 
a different dialog title. At formcreate event add the following code:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin saveDialog1.Title := 'Save your love letter as: '; end;
6. we can also set the default extension for our file and
 add a filter which allow only .txt types to be saved.
so we add the follow lines in form create event 
saveDialog1.DefaultExt := 'txt'; //default extension saveDialog1.Filter := 'Text file|*.txt'; 
 don't forget to check the object inspector for further options
Thats all for now!