Monday, March 10, 2014

MaskEdit Tutorial

For this tutorial we need MaskEdit component(Additional Tab)
click in editmask proporty(object inspector)

input mask editor window show up

Create your mask in the first editor. We create a serial key mask.
We want the first three digits to be only numbers , the next five digits to be both letters and numbers and the last two only  numbers.

We want the first three digits to be only numbers , the next five digits to be both letters and numbers and the last two only  numbers.

Lets test our program

If we try to type letters in the first three dashes or in last two we cant make it our program seems to work fine.if we want we can create in our favorite text editor a text like this:

and save it with .dem ending and use it anytime we want by clicking Masks button in input mask editor window.

Thats all for now..

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

TCalendarDialog tutorial

For this tutorial we need:
4 labels(Standard Tab) ,
2 buttons (Standard Tab),
1 calendardialog(Dialogs Tab),
1 edit(Standard Tab),
1 statictext(Additional Tab).

The top button opens a calendar that let us choose a date.

When we press ok button in the main form,  we can see the result in green label.

Here is the code for ok button

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  label4.Caption:='Your name is '+edit1.Text+' and your birthday is '+statictext1.Caption;

And the code for calendar button

procedure tForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  if calendardialog1.Execute then

We use datetostr function to convert our date to string.

Thats all for now...

Monday, March 3, 2014


For this tutorial we need a button(standard tab), an image(additional tab) and a savepicturedialog(Dialogs).

we select image1 from object insepctor and we click picture property

Then we open a picture of our choice.

we click button1 and we write the following

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  if SavepictureDialog1.Execute then
    image1.Picture.SaveToFile( SavepictureDialog1.Filename );

We are ready to execute and test our program. By default we save our image in .jpg format we can change this and other options in object inspector window(savepicturedialog1).

Thats all for now..

TOpenPictureDialog tutorial

For this tutorial we need a button(standard tab), an image(additional tab) and a openpicturedialog(Dialogs).

double click button1 and write the following

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  if openpicturedialog1.Execute then



if the openpicturedialog executed the picture we just select opens in image1.

We execute our program we click the button and we open a picture.

Thats all for now..

TFontDialog tutorial

For this tutorial we need a memo from standard tab, a button from standard tab and a tfontdialog from Dialogs tab

double click the button and write the following code

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  if fontdialog1.Execute then

now execute the program and click font options button. The following dialog appears

change the options and press ok.

thats all.

TColorDialog example

For this tutorial add a button from standard tab and a TColorDialog from Dialogs tab  in the form.
Change the caption of button1 to "form1 color"

double click the button and write the following code

Procedure TForm1.Button1Click( Sender: TObject );
   if colordialog1.Execute then

This code executes the colordialog1 if we run the program and press the button.

 If we select for example blue color form1 became blue.

Thats all..

Load Dialog

 1.For this tutorial add a memo, a button and a TOpenDialog in the form.

2.Change the caption of  button1 to "load".
3.Double click on load button and write onclick event: 

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  filename: string;

if OpenDialog1.Execute then
        filename := OpenDialog1.Filename;

the selected file opens in memo1

4.The Execute method displays the file open dialog.  It returns true when user has selected a file, false when user has aborted.

The Filename property returns the full filename. 


5.Look at the object inspector for further options

we can also set the default extension for our file and

add a filter which allow only .txt types to be saved.

so we add the follow lines in form create event 

openDialog1.DefaultExt := 'txt';
openDialog1.Filter := 'Text file|*.txt';


Thats all.